I’m Annabella and I?m ready to deliver pleasure and entice your fantasies. Add a little bit of water or saliva and delight in my self-lubricating abilities as I fit you like a glove. I provide an array of sensations with my ribbed and textured canal and am open-ended for easy cleaning. I also come with a 1-speed bullet for powerful vibrations during play. Made of ultra-soft X5? Plus I?m free of phthalates paraffins latex and I look and feel better than the real thing.
- Self-Lubricating. Just Add a Bit of Water or Saliva and I’m Ready to Go!
- Ribbed and Textured Canal for Optimal Sensations
- Included 1-Speed Bullet for Powerful Vibrations During Play
- Made With Ultra Soft X5? Plus Superior TPE. Free of Phthalates Paraffins Latex
- Looks and Feels Better Than The Real Thing and Open Ended for Easy Cleaning